Our Sponsors

We need to give credit to our sponsors who support PEGS across the year.  Their generosity helps us to keep membership costs down and give the best possible value to our members.

The Irish Times and O'Hara's

Two of the best Irish bars in Phuket. The Irish Times is at Jung Ceylon in Patong. O'Hara's is at the entrance to Laguna. Their management have been generous supporters of PEGS over the years.  

They also kindly offer our members 15% discount from menu items when showing your digital membership card.

Canyon Course

The Austrian Garden Hotel And Restaurant

An excellent hotel located in Patong only 2-minutes from the beach and a 7-minute walk to Bangla Road. They also happen to make the best Austrian food available in Phuket.  They have been long time supporters of PEGS. They also offer PEGS members 10% discount on food and beverage.

Canyon Course


The best full - life medical insurance for expats.
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Enrol at any any age up to 110 years old
Coverage extends to hospitalization when you travel back to your home country
A grown up approach to claims and pre-existing conditions
Policy meets Covid and visa requirements.

For further information contact Lindsey Wallace at lindsey23749@gmail.com or +66 818 932 565

The Par Phuket

A hotel located in Kathu next to the 4th hole at Phuket Country Club. They are long term friends and supporters of PEGS. In recent years they have been our venue of choice for our Christmas party and are happy to offer rooms for members who want an easy stagger to bed after the party.

They offer special room rates for PEGS members and their guests with your digital PEGS card:

THB 1,200 March to October (THB 1,600 poolside)
THB 1,500 November to February (THB 2000 poolside)

The Par